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If words were not enough,why are we created after all?Is an Image not a symbol of the origine(Power).Seeketh thy wisdom in harmony and the right posture to conquer corruption and the unfitting of the world.Look after those with good and precious quality. Be first in conformity with thy very nature(denying thyself and embracing His Spirit daily).Less thou expect lesser than your recent capacity.Let the fire of forgiveness be thy strength of joy These days and rejoice how our Abba Father Yah prune and enrich every valley for His name sake.Never has Abba disappoint anyone who lean their whole hope and trust into His very heart.Praising and fellowship in Truth and spirit will lead you & me to the green pasture of His favor,the living water that proceeds outter the belly of our Lord and Adonei Yahushua aka Ancient of Days.With men nothing is possible but with Abba Father Yah nothing is impossible 🤲🏾🌈🤯💖❣🙏🙏🏾🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏿😘🕯🙌🏻🙌💧🎹🤗🌅🌊😎🎤Let rejoice again with new songz into all destiny.
Comfort.We are always in fellowship, when you seek and pray for " The perfect Will" of Abba Father Yah.Whosoever ignore his own strength and approve the righteousness from above to keep you in Truth and empowerment,so shall it be🕯Increase in free freshness of obedience,dancing ,while in trials ❣👍🏾Keep going❣The End is not yet!!!.😎
blood coming from above,we have direct access to the Throne of our Father.Only through the Womb,we are prepare to witness Life in its fullNESS ,which only our Lord aka Adonei could release for us to follow WITH GraCE,gladly we are all part of your family and body and desire to welcome the whole world; to see your true face and rejoice in your merciful hand with whom you creaTED US individuel (in thee we dwell) WONDERFULly and fearfully after your likeness.What i delight to be around this time and to witness how awestruck Yahweh will deliver His Bride made herself ready for any coming time.Faith is timeless hoping and expecting and love is limitless embracing.Guard His Commands in you heart like oxygen. Rejoice Children of Light and Peace.The meek shall inherit the Earth,dont forget that again!Stay in joy,rejoice because i am here to love you 2 eternally!!!sHALOM Outlawn!!!
Time is yet for you to release all your heart unto Him,our first Love,Abba Father for the mighty promises being realized before your very eyes.Rejoice again with resting and reconciliation in the favor and mercy given to you,to be restored back in oneness in His Will .Everything will be easily changed even in 1 day or hour.Remember always with Yahweh nothing is impossible,rejoice with Holy Spirit and keep the good faith always in side+in sight.Time aint our enemy rather our advancement for more glorious rewards ahead.Love you🥰😘🤩😎👍🏾😁😉.
Go ahead bros and family!!!We are here on earth to minister and be ambassador aka President of the Kingdom of Abba Father❣Without His perfect Grace(our given Lamb precious blood attorned for the remission of sin).We have all reason to declare all mercy and keeping ourselves in the Truth and in the fear of Abba Yahweh,who shapes us always to forsake the flesh and see through His eyes,being born again to let your Light shine with adoration and comfort all with the Ruach ha Kodesh aka Holy Spirit💞Be ye holy also because Abba desires you as close to Him as possible,let celebrate Him with faithfulness and Thanksgiving. I bless you deeply for your thirst of fulfillment,let do it all together 🙌🏾HalleluYah🙌😎.Shout out the Good News to the rooftops:The kingdom of Heaven is here❣😁
*Mixtape* by ("Dj.U&Me"): For the Remnant + Chosen Few❣🙌🏾HalleluYah 👍🏾Amen💞.Freely,thou has received,freely thou shalt give🤩Agape Love is to be connected to Abba 💋YHWH and to share to the entire World🕯🕯🕯Let fulfill His wish that none should perish 💖🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹Worship through Adoration sets the captif free.Let stick with the Way,the Truth and the Life to Joy of Salvation everlasting❣🙌🏾Amen🙌🏾❣Rejoice🤩
Dj.U & Me revealing the true Storm!!! Who was running under the name SepGo Ngassa!!!Freedom has its price!!!Are you willing to receive instructions and guidelines for your own sake!!!?Learn to trust the Almighty, then love will be established in your walk by loving with assurance your cross daily.You will make it!!! i believe in you, as my Father has always believed in me!!!Remember, if we agree, it means ,we walk in the same spirit, at the same century !!!Receiveth a divine touch from the Ruach ha Kodesh,He who is holy,let him be holy still!!!Let fulfill our Father 's Business, while overcoming.Remember at the End is joy everlasting in abundance that awaits us forever!!!Dont loose sight of your true purposes ,as alien here!!!God bless you richly + in abundance!!!🙌🏾😘💞HalleluYah!!!
Listen Now .It is almost time  of the tribulation to start.This song is  a last cry out to you,to be doer and hearers of the word and not just listeners.Repent the kingdom of heaven is at hand.Shalom to you all!!!SepGo Ngassa.

an invitation to the bride of Messiah,
a warning to the whole world,time is running out!!!
no man knows the day or hour!!!
Yahweh does nothing before He reveals his secret to his servants the prophets.
will you believe when the time approaches and be prepared???
or will you rather prefer the lie,that will lead the world to the strong delusion?
everything is in place for the battle to begin,which side will you be???
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Hebrew Israelites & congregations)   
i am the voice of one crying in the wilderness!!!!!!! 

*Hip-Hop is down.vol6*THE FIRST 5D music video produced only with 1 webcam ,the song is dealing with the peace!!hip hop is down,the best underground mc of all time made a freestyle about falling communications between our own recent regime,the hood lost his sense,people do nothing than complain!!!who cares about real things? 

Yo you got SepGo with a short form of video dealing about the resolution of a man!!!!

SepGo is warning people for the coming bible-prophecies that are coming to pass before our very eyes!!!be virgilant and watchful because you and me  know not in which day the Messiah will come!!!! 

SepGo brings the legendary track that has been prophesied more than 1935 years ago!!!God(the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit) is awesome and alive!!!repent now to find your salvation and live strong!!!! 

the marriage supper of the Lamb is near!!!brothers and sisters in Messiah have faith because your redemption draw nigh!!!separate yourselves from this world,you will see how the Bridegroom keeps his promise!!!!! 

the greatness of the living God!!!!!who from the beginning of times wanted us in his glorious image!!!!!!no praise is good enough for God,we can only try,but he is more pleased with us,when we obey Him and his commandments because He is life and alive.we should remain in Him to not be fornicating with darkness and death!!!!!!yeah He is a jealous God!!!may the fear and love of God keep you alive.with more blessing.i love you all!!!!repent!!!!!


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